Internal ID

The Internal ID (sometimes referred to as Secondary ID) is a field in Vitay that allows you to uniquely identify candidates across Vitay and other processes or services you use.

If you’d like to enable this feature, please contact us at, and we’ll activate it for you.

How It Works

  1. When Enabled:
    • The Internal ID field becomes required when creating or editing a candidate.
    • You can either enter your desired Internal ID manually or use the arrow button on the right to generate a random ID.
  2. Where would the Internal ID be displayed:
    • Internal IDs can be viewed on the candidate’s profile, just below the candidate’s name.
    • A new Internal ID column will also appear on the Candidate List page
  3. Searching for Candidates by Internal ID:
    • You can easily search for a candidate using their Internal ID. Simply type the ID into the search bar (just like searching by a candidate’s name or email).
    • The ability to search for candidates or references depends on the configuration settings for the “Everyone/Myself” toggle:
      • If the toggle is enabled and you have recruiter-level access, you will only be able to find candidates assigned to you.
      • For broader visibility, ensure the configuration is set appropriately for your access level and requirements.
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