Reference Type / Relationships and Managers Only

In Vitay, each reference has a Reference Type that represents the relationship between a reference and the candidate. For example, the reference type of "Direct manager" means that the reference is/was a direct manager to the candidate during their time working together.

How it works

Reference Types/Relationships are chosen by the candidate from a dropdown menu on the Reference Request Form. This is a required field that candidates must complete before submitting the reference request.

The options available for selection can be customized in the “Reference Relationships” section, located under Ref. Requests in the Configuration Panel

When the reference receives the request and opens the form via the URL link, the Reference Type is automatically set to what the candidate selected. The reference has the option to modify the Reference Type, just as they can update their name or phone number.

Managers only

When initiating a reference request, you can choose to require candidates to provide only Direct Managers as references by checking the “Managers Only” box

When enabled, all references requested will automatically have their Reference Type set to Direct Manager. This setting also makes the Reference Type uneditable for the candidate.

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