Multi-factor authentication and other login options

Multi-factor authentication (MFA or 2FA) enhances the security of your accounts by adding an extra layer of identification required for logging in, even if your password is compromised.

At Vitay, we currently support the following MFA option (in addition to your password) for logging in:

  • Text (SMS): We will send a code to your phone number that must be entered before you can log in successfully.

To set up MFA for phone verification, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account on the Vitay dashboard
  2. Click on the user icon on the top right of the page

  3. Under Account, click on the Security tab
  4. Toggle on the "Multi-factor authentication" setting on the right:

    Note: If you are unable to turn this setting on/off, you are either missing a phone number for your account, or MFA is unable to be changed without admin permissions. If you have a phone number filled in for your account and are still unable to change this setting, please contact an admin user for your company or the Vitay support email at

Another option available for secure access is Single Sign-On (SSO). SSO allows users to log in with a single set of credentials across multiple applications, streamlining the login process and improving security by reducing the number of passwords users need to manage.

Please note that SSO is a premium feature and comes at an additional cost. If your organization has SSO set up and you would like to integrate it with Vitay, please reach out to us so we can coordinate the setup for you.

Configuring Single-Sign On

The following guide is meant for a technical lead for your organization to follow. If you need support or have any questions with setting SSO up, please contact support.

To enable your users to log in to Vitay using Single Sign-On (SSO), follow these steps:

Configuration Details


  • Audience:
  • Recipient / ACS (Consumer) URL:

United States

  • Audience:
  • Recipient / ACS (Consumer) URL:

United Kingdom

  • Audience:
  • Recipient / ACS (Consumer) URL

Provide Your SAML Metadata

To set up SAML Single Sign-On (SSO) for your account, please provide us the URL to your SAML metadata file. This file typically contains all the necessary configuration details, including:

  • Single Sign-On (SSO) URL
  • Entity ID (Issuer)
  • X.509 Certificate
  • NameID Format
  • Attribute Mapping
  • Logout URL

Once we receive your SAML metadata URL, we will set up SSO on our end and notify you when you can test the connection.

Important Notes

  • Post-Setup: Once SSO is enabled, your users will only be able to log in to Vitay using Single Sign-On. Logging in with a username and password will no longer be possible.
  • App Configuration: If you need a logo to configure the Vitay app on your end, you can copy the following image:

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