Reminders and How It Works

To ensure a quick turnaround time with requests sent to candidates/references, our default automatic reminders are sent out every 24 hours for the next 3 days after the initial request. That is, if a request is sent out Tuesday, an automatic reminder would go out Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

There are different features you can edit or enable to have more control over this reminders

  • Reminder rate
    • Determine the frequency/interval of outgoing reminders between 1 - 4 days
      • By choosing 1 day, the 24 hours sequence would commence but by choosing a 2 day interval, the next reminder would be 48 hours, 96 hours and 144 hours later after the initial request.
    • Please note that changing this setting will apply to all future candidates/references and will not change queued reminders for existing candidates/references

  • Skip reminders on Weekends
    • Skip Reminders During the Weekend - toggled off by default.
      • Toggling on this feature ensures reminders are sent only on weekdays (Monday - Friday) excluding weekends (Saturday and Sunday).
        • Therefore, reminders that would originally be sent on the weekend will be sent the following Monday. After Monday, your chosen sequence/reminder rate applies.
    • Please note that changing this setting will apply to all future candidates/references and will not change queued reminders for existing candidates/references

  • Turn off reminder for a specific candidate/reference
    • Choose to turn off auto reminders for specific references.
      • Sometimes, candidates/references could request a different time/date to complete a form due to various reasons and they do not want to keep receiving reminders.
      • Refer to this knowledge base article for a guide on how to turn this off for a specific candidate/reference
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