Settings - Ref.Requests

  • Reference relationships - There are 21 relationships by default added to all accounts.
    • If selected, you can choose to delete or edit the some of the options available.

  • Number of references - set to 1 on by default.
    • Set the default number of references a candidate is requested to complete.

  • Reference Review Configuration
    • Choose to review the candidate's reference information before sending out the request to the reference.

  • Candidate Authorization Checkbox
    • Choose to display an extra authorization checkbox with customizable guidelines for consent from candidate
      • If toggled on, the message can be edited using the "pages" menu.

  • Ask For References Consent To Share Results - For Staffing and Recruiting Companies:
    • Choose to allow references the option to hide their results from candidates or clients. Toggled off by default unless selected
      • Warning note will be displayed on reports.

  • References Can Decline The Request
    • Choose to allow references the option to decline reference requests

  • Call Me Instead
    • Choose to allow references the option to receive a call from the recruiter instead.

  • Reference Dates
    • Choose to ask the candidate to fill out their employment dates.
      • The reference has the opportunity to update the employment dates if incorrect when filling out the reference request.

  • Show Reference Score - toggled on by default
    • Choose to display the average score a reference gave a candidate on pages and reports
      • When toggled on, downloaded reports would reflect the average rating score given to a candidate by a reference.
      • When toggled off, the average rating score would not be included.

  • Specialty Required
    • Choose to require references to provide their speciality

  • Reference Address
    • Choose to enable or disable the reference(s) address
      • If toggled on, you can opt to have it required than optional

  • Candidate Position Held
    • Choose to ask for the reference to provide the candidates job title for the position they held

  • Candidate Job Title
    • Choose to add the candidate's job title in quick request or candidate creation before sending out the reference request.
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