Initiating a reference request

To add a reference to a candidate, you can have the candidate to fill the request themselves.

Click on Quick Request (to create a candidate profile and automatically send them a request to input their reference details) > Click Submit. A candidate profile would be automatically generated.

Once filled out, the reference will receive a request to complete the reference form.

Internal ID - can be auto-generated or inputted manually by choice for tracking purposes within your company. 
Email address or/and phone number - the request would go to either or both depending on the filled category.
Select a question set and number of references required
Public notes - include specific instructions/notes. For example, “please provide a reference from ABC Company”
Internal ID - can be auto-generated or inputted manually by choice for tracking purposes within your company. Email address or/and phone number - the request would go to either or both depending on the filled category.Select a question set and number of references required.Public notes - include specific instructions/notes. For example, “please provide a reference from ABC Company”

Once the reference details has been inputted and submitted by the candidate, the reference details will be added under the profile titled by the question set that was sent to this reference.

The reference completes the reference request > the assigned user is notified and can download the pdf report.
pdf report sample


  • You can only send one reference request at the time, per question set.
  • Reminders are sent out automatically to candidate/reference 24 - 48 - 72 hours after the request has been sent. After 72 hours, the assigned recruiter (user) can manually click on send reminder.
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